Dear students,

Here are a couple of announcements regarding the lecture recording, office hours, and Piazza:

Lecture recording:

As it is requested by many of you, we are planning to stream the lectures on Zoom and the recording will also be available after each class. We start recording the lectures from the second session (Thursday, May 19) and the Zoom links are available in Canvas and the recordings will be added to the course website.

Please note, that there will be some caveats regarding such streaming/recording:

  • The streaming will mostly include the lecture slides and it cannot include what may be written on the board during the lectures.

  • The sound/video quality may not be perfect, and some unexpected technical difficulties can interrupt the process for parts or the entire lecture.

  • It will not be possible to answer questions online and it will be one-way streaming.

  • Attending the in-class lectures is not mandatory but it is highly recommended.

Office hours:

The office hours information has been finalized on the course website. The corresponding Zoom link for each office hour is now available on Canvas. The office hours will be started from next week.


Please join Piazza for course-related questions and discussion. You can use cs3510a--summer2022 as the access code to sign-up.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Teaching team